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Search for "malta" returned 36 matches

Urgent letter to Croatian Minister of Justice: Do not extradite Whistleblower Jonathan Taylor - Article

Together with WIN (Whistleblowing international network), we co-signed a letter to the Croatian Minister of Justice

Trouble with the Truth - Article

Trouble with the Truth is the podcast produced by Lana Estemirova in partnership with the Justice for Journalists Foundation. Lana talks to brave and resilient journalists from around the world who face persecution just for doing their job and lets her audience hear voices that usually remain hidden behind the curtain

France: one defamation action dropped, but the threat remains - Article

The MFRR welcomes the dropping of the defamation action against Inès Léraud but vexatious legal threats continue to threaten media freedom across Europe

Extradition proceedings against Jonathan Taylor need to end! - Article

A wide range of organisations calls on Croatia and Monaco to end extradition proceedings and asks the European Parliament to condemn the ongoing harassment of such an important whistleblower

Malta: Threats to the independence of the public inquiry into the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia must stop - Article

16 December marks 38 months since Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated in Malta, yet barriers to justice remain as Maltese official continue to threaten the public inquiry set up to investigate the circumstances surrounding her murder. A statement signed by MFRR

Maltese court fails to protect press freedom: Gafà acquitted for threats to Nello Scavo - Article

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) condemns the court ruling in the criminal proceedings against Neville Gafà for threats he made on Twitter against Italian journalist Nello Scavo

Three years after her assassination, still no justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia - Article

In Malta, the risk of impunity is high and a wide range of international human rights group show concerns and call for justice

Malta: Nello Scavo insulted after testifying in the case against Neville Gafà - Article

Upon leaving the hearing, Italian journalist Nello Scavo and Maltese blogger Manuel Delia were insulted by a crowd of people in support of Gafà. ECPMF condemns the insults, recalling that verbal threats from high-profile individuals can lead to acts of violence and send a message of impunity

MFRR calls for a robust and transparent investigation into threats made against Nello Scavo - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners and freedom of expression organisations call on the Maltese and Italian governments to ensure a robust, thorough and transparent investigation into Neville Gafà for threats made against journalist, Nello Scavo

SLAPP: an analysis by Flutura Kusari and Nik Williams - Article

An op-ed published by openDemocracy about strategic lawsuits that threaten freedom of expression. The two authors, working for ECPMF and for the Media Freedom Rapid Response, remind of the need of a strong action at European level